Orsova Romania

 Orsova It is located on the lake formed behind the Iron Dam (Iron Gate) on the Danube River, which is also a border point between Romania and Serbia.


The region witnessed many historical events from several scenes that affected it, including the decisive defeat of King Ladislaus I, King of Hungary, and the Kumans near Orsova in 1091, which made it a great fortress on the borders in the Middle Ages, but it was a strategic goal that was not long until today it was captured Suleiman the Magnificent captured the city in 1522 and not far from the city, Orsova became part of the Habsburg Monarchy in 1687 at the start of the Ottoman-Habsburg War but was recaptured by Ottoman forces in 1690. The Treaty of Pasarowitz returned the city to the Kingdom of Hungary in 1718. The Treaty of Belgrade restored the city to The Ottoman Empire in 1739. Finally, the Treaty of Sestova returned the city to the Kingdom of Hungary in 1791. The city remained in Hungary until the end of the world. The first war when it became part of Romania. It was included in the Mahdini neighborhood during the 1968 administrative reform.


The city is famous for its handicrafts that express a field in sewing, wool insulation and weaving, which is the custom in Transylvania...........

imitate them

Their tradition on my part is the merging of some old and new things. I noticed it in the outfit called Oltenian, which is my girls' outfit. How many other traditional costumes, such as national costumes, find that they combine a region of Moldova of orsova called the Maramuri costume, where a folk dance and music competition is held. As on Easter, young people go to the girls and sprinkle perfume on them and say these phrases to them and you heard that you have a flower. Will you allow me to water? This means that he wants to smell it, and a girl offers a cake to this guy.

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